The East or West room may be rented for $30.00 per day or both rooms for $50.00 per day
to be paid in advance or when key is picked up.
- You will be responsible for any damages that occur to the Cox Building and property during the rental period.
- The City of Howard is not responsible for any accidents.
- Please leave the building in the same condition you found it.Cleaning supplies are available in the janitor’s closet.
- No alcoholic beverage and no smoking shall be permitted on property.
- No nails, thumbtacks, pins, tape or other items may be used that will leave a blemish on the walls OR ceilings.
- No hot-glue guns and nothing that will cut or damage tables may be used without adequate protection for tables.
- Any of the Cox Building tables and chairs that are used must be cleaned and put away before vacating the building.
- When using the kitchen, spills on counter tops, stove top or oven need cleaned, and microwave wiped out. Nothing may be left in the refrigerator or freezer. Please clean any spills.
- Floors in rented rooms need to be swept. Any tape / glue residue or shoe skid marks must be cleaned thoroughly.
- All Trash, including both restrooms and kitchen must be taken out to dumpster. REMEMBER the trash in bathroom stalls!
- Any fabric towels used, please leave beside the kitchen sink to be laundered by city staff.
- Thermostat will be turned off during summer after use, or turned down to 55º during winter months.
- Turn out lights and lock building securely. Return key to City Office, at 110 N Pine. There is a drop box on the door for after hours.