Howard Municipal Court Process

Generally, Tickets are written and turned into City Clerk with First Appearance Date and Time written on them by the Officer. If the offense is listed on the schedule, the Officer will write those fines AND the court fee of $70 in the appropriate area on the ticket.
Clerk assigns case number to ticket and sends copy of ticket and any supporting info to the Judge and the City Attorney with a note confirming First Appearance Date and Time.

First Appearance is held at the Howard City Office, 110 N Pine, Howard, KS, on or before the date and time listed on the ticket; generally, the 3rd Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m.

  • First Appearance is at the City Office, 110 N Pine, Howard at or before the date and time written on the ticket.
  1. If the fine is listed and the defendant pleads guilty, they can pay the fine at or before the First Appearance Date and Time to the City Court Clerk or mail a check for the full amount before that First Appearance date. After payment, case # is marked completed; reported to Judge and Attorney, and reported to State as appropriate.
  2. If the fine is listed and the defendant plans to contest the ticket, the defendant must appear to the City Court Clerk at or before the First Appearance Date and Time to get the Court Date and Time for hearing. (Defendant MUST appear unless excused by Judge or City Attorney.) The Judge, Attorney and Officer involved are each notified of Court Hearing Date and Time by the Clerk
  3. If the fine is not listed, the defendant must appear to the City Court Clerk at or before the First Appearance Date and Time to get a Court Date and Time for hearing. (Defendant MUST appear unless excused by Judge or City Attorney.) The Judge, Attorney and Officer involved are each notified of Court Hearing Date and Time

Court is held at the Cox Building, 100 W Washington, Howard, KS, at the date and time provided at the First Appearance. Generally, court is the 3rd Thursday of the next month at 1:30, however date and time is set by Judge and/or City Attorney.

  • At the Court Date and Time, the defendant is required to appear at the Cox Building for the hearing to determine plea, findings by the Judge, fine amount or other disposition, etc. The Judge, City Attorney and Officer involved will also be present.
    Dependent on the findings and arrangements made during the hearing, the State will be notified of disposition as appropriate.

Court is held in the east room in the lower level. There is a ramp and stairs directly to the door on the east side of the building.
For questions, contact the City Office 620-374-2202